

The Stroboscopy.org mission

The aim of Stroboscopy.org is to provide a video-based learning resource for voice professionals (medical students, residents, SLPs, singing teachers, physicians) at any stage of training and experience. Given that stroboscopy is a video-based diagnostic tool we feel that an online resource would be the best option to serve the voice community. Stroboscopy.org is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, where experts from across the world can submit high quality laryngeal stroboscopy so others can learn from their experience and skill. 


Stroboscopy.org was first discussed during our fellowship in California during a Laryngology Fellow exchange between UC Davis (Shumon) and University of Southern California (Bill). We were inspired by Gonioscopy.org, a world-renowned video-based learning resource for ophthalmologists created by Dr. Wallace L.M. Alward. We felt stroboscopy needed the same type of resource. However, to our chagrin no free, video-focused option existed for voice professionals. A few years later, Dr. Michael Orestes joined our efforts and reignited the idea that Stroboscopy.org needed to exist. Ms. Kelly Huang, then provided the key experience, consultation and resources for website design and functionality and pushed the team to make this a reality. Lastly, the UT Southwestern Academy of Teachers (SWAT) fellowship provided the funding for the initial launch of this website.


Stroboscopy.org would not be possible without our section editors and founding team to gather and curate the content you see on the site.

Shumon Dhar, MD

Bill Gao, MD

Michael Orestes, MD

Section Editors

Managing Editor Shumon Dhar MD FACS, Dallas TX
Educational Content Director Hannah Kavookjian MD, Kansas City KS
The Performing Voice & Gender Affirming Care Sarah Schneider MS CCC-SLP, San Francisco CA
Variations in Normal Physiology Elizabeth Shuman MD, Los Angeles, CA
Benign Lesions Lesley Childs MD, Dallas TX
Pre-malignant/malignant Lesions Tim Blood MD, Tacoma WA
Neurolaryngology Sarah Rapoport MD, Washington DC
Infectious Laryngitis Neel Bhatt MD, Seattle WA
Systemic Disease Daniel Cates MD, San Diego CA
Pediatric Voice Disorders Julina Ongkasuwan MD FAAP FACS, Houston TX*
Post-Surgical/Iatrogenic Brandon Baird MD, Chicago IL
Office Procedures in Laryngology Benjamin Rubinstein MD, Norfolk VA
International Laryngology Representative Chadwan Al Yaghchi MD PhD, London UK 

*American Laryngological Association Representative 


Additional Contributors

Expert Advisors Wallace L.M. Alward MD

Michael Johns MD

Jonathan Bock MD

Kelly Huang

Benjamin Backus

Resident Editors Alexandra D‘Oto MD

Rishi Suresh MD

Medical Student Editors Dylan R. Beams BS, BA